Kim's Halloween 2004 Picture Page

Well, here they are... my 2004 Halloween photo's. It's been about 6 years since I posted Halloween photo's for a specific year. Perhaps I'll have to update this as my 1999-2004 Halloween photo page... ('cause you know I have pictures from Halloween every year ;-)

My fiance' advised me to not go out in my French Maid costume... well, it was more like surprise that I was going out in something so racy. I decided to go anyway... Smiley Face If you look at the other pages in my Halloween collection, you'll see a pic of me in the same outfit... when I weighed a bit less, and had a few less miles on the ol' body... (can you tell? ;-)

So, anyway, this Halloween my friend Tami and I actually went to a "straight" party (the KUFO Paranormal Party). This was a concert/party... So we hung in the back and drank beer and talked to some women hanging out by us, and then hit the dance floor... where no one was dancing. Some guys offered to buy us beer (well, at least Tami got the offer, for both of us)... Tami declined... but that's another story. The pictures taken by KUFO (they didn't choose to use one of Tami and I... *sigh*) might still be here.

Since the KUFO party was a concert vs. party (read: generally Lame except for the interesting people and costumes) we went to a gay club about an hour into being at the Crystal Ballroom... We went to the Red Cap Garage (near the former Panorama... see here for more details :). We were the first people on the floor dancing. That changed as the night went on... the floor was packed about 1 hour later... and I had a great time dancing the entire evening! I really got my workout that night. I also received a wonderful compliment... a gay man up from San Francisco (to attend a wedding w/his partner) told me that he thought I was a woman when he saw me on the dance floor. So that does, of course, say that he figured out that I wasn't a woman, but I'll take the compliment anyway. I also entered the Halloween contest, and I'm still convinced I might have taken 3rd if I could have stayed to 1:30 am (I was getting a cold, and was planning to go out the next night too)...

I still love Halloween... still a built-in excuse to be whomever I want, including the femme me... So here's the French Maid pic's from Halloween:

French Maid #1 French Maid #2 French Maid #3 French Maid #4 French Maid #6

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This page last updated on 15 November, 2004.
small yin-yang trans-sphere ©1964-2004 Kim McNelis. All Rights Reserved (No images, text, etc. may be copied w/out Kim's consent. Thank you). Yin-Yang